~Country Girl At Heart~
Hey ya’ll! I’m as southern as grits and cornbread! I have a passion for the things I care about – faith, family, cooking, decorating, gardening, canning, exploring and outdoor adventures. My husband started calling me “Lover Darlin” from the beginning of our marriage. I am very sentimental, love old standards and bluegrass music.
I was always told that “Mr. Right” would not just show up on my doorstep. Boy, that couldn’t have been more “Wrong!” That is exactly how we met. I was in the process of building a house. He owned a heating and air conditioning company. Obviously, I needed heating and air conditioning in my house. I literally met him at the front door the first time. It was love at first sight for me! I married my best friend, my “Ambitious Feller”! He was given that name by a local contractor. This local felt my Ambitious Feller was taking on an enormous task of building a new life for us on the mountain. He is so disgustingly smart, he can literally do just about anything he puts his mind to do.
Our sweet dog and faithful friend, “Charlie,” provides us endless hours of comic and stress relief. He’s really the king of our farm house and the one getting the royal treatment! We love him to bits and his quirky personality keeps us laughing.
Follow Your Passion!
I have always been a city girl, but a country girl at heart! Happiness can be found in following your true passion wherever that road may take you. If we can inspire you to follow your passion and take that less traveled road, we would be truly humbled and thrilled! We look forward to sharing humor, pictures and “how to” advice on our lessons learned. We will honestly share what happens when you walk away from an old life in pursuit of the new!
Having found our little piece of Heaven, we traded our hectic, noisy blacktop life for the peace and serenity of the mountaintop and have never looked back! Please sit a spell with us and come back often!
Lover Darlin’
~The Ambitious Feller~
Ambitious Feller? It’s more like chief inmate of the insane asylum! I’ve been called crazy more times than I can count! Always by previous employees and friends that help me on projects. You’ve heard the saying, “He bites off more than he can chew.” Well, I can chew it! I will just be chewing it when everybody else has gone to bed, is enjoying their relaxing weekend or is on vacation. My mama instilled in me a work ethic that doesn’t know when to take a break.
To make things worse, I don’t like being told that, “It can’t be done” or “You can’t do that”! It’s like my old boss man used to say, “Can’t ain’t never done anything!” Well, that’s the sanitized version of what he used to say. Finally, the icing on the cake is that some people believe I’m “OCD” when it comes to working on projects! I prefer to say I’m “CDO” because after all, things need to be in order.
As a kid, I would play with a Christmas or birthday toy for a brief time and then take it apart to see how it works. My problem was, I could never get the toys put back together! All these years later, I tend to still take things apart but now it’s in order to fix them. I still occasionally have a hard time getting them back together! Have you ever tried to take a Kuerig coffer maker apart? I don’t recommend it. I took Small Engine Mechanics and Auto Mechanics for two years in school because, you guessed it, I like taking things apart. That, and I didn’t want to take a foreign language!
My Ambitious Past
For the last 20+ years I have been in the HVAC Industry, the Electrical Industry or both at the same time. I hold HVAC and Electrical contractor licenses in multiple states. I’ve worked on nearly every aspect of a home from roofing, siding, brick, flooring, landscaping, etc. I owned my own contracting company for over 10 years until I decided to call it quits. Now, I use the skills that I’ve learned over the years to work on our house and property. Perhaps, I can share some of that knowledge with you.
Being a born-again Christian, I hope there is something that I can post that will make your day a little bit brighter. Maybe it’s something funny that will bring a little bit of laughter in your life. Perhaps a post that will encourage you. It could be a truth that inspires you to take on an “ambitious project”. At last, a beautiful picture of the Appalachian countryside that reminds you that this is a beautiful world that God has created for our viewing pleasure! If nothing else, we can be cheap, clean entertainment for you and yours.
Ambitious Feller
“If the women don’t find you handsome, they should at least find you handy!” Red Green
Hey, I’m Charlie! I am a Cocker Spaniel mix. My best days are when I can lie around and sleep! I love being outside, and have a passion for hunting squirrels, birds and mice. Playing fetch is another favorite thing that I love to do.
“Some people” think I am a picky eater, but I just like to think I have a very discriminating palate. If you think I’m just a handsome face, you wouldn’t believe how smart I am. I’ll admit, I tend to be a bit snobbish about the way I like things.
I really love the freedom of running and playing here. We have lots of woods and there are always so many sites and smells for me to enjoy. My bark is vicious for strangers, but I am scared of my own shadow and cardboard boxes! I love my life here and hope you will check in often to see what I am up to!
Love, Charlie