Elmira Wood Cook Stove

November 5, 2018
Elmira Wood Cook Stove

Several years ago, we decided to leave our old life behind and move to Virginia to basically “start over.”  One of the first decisions we made was to buy an Elmira wood cook stove.  What better way to add to our farmhouse rustic style than an old-fashioned wood cook stove!  With 25 acres of land, and many trees cleared on the building site, it seemed like a no-brainer as we have abundance of free firewood!

When drawing up our house plans, we decided that we would heat our farmhouse with wood.  After downsizing from 3400 square feet to just over 1000, we were excited about the prospects of heating with a wood cook stove!  After all, there is a real nostalgic charm to this by-gone treasure.

Elmira wood cook stove

I was drawn to Elmira because it just looked so beautiful!  It truly is a fabulous piece of art and would be the focal point of the kitchen.  It is a show stopper with its black porcelain finish, sleek, country style and shiny, smooth nickel trim.  The cook stove has a cozy Fireview door for those long winter nights and creamy bisque-colored doors on the warming racks and oven.  I’m so in love with Elmira!

Elmira wood cook stove

Our Elmira came all the way from Canada!  This particular model will set you back about $6600 (tax & freight included), but it’s so worth it.  Not only is it visually stunning, but it is such a workhorse.  Just think, there are very few products that can keep you warm and aid in meal preparation at the same time!  When you’re ready to cook, bake or keep something warm, Elmira can handle it all.

Elmira wood cook stove

As the weather has cooled this fall, I have become well acquainted with my new stove.  First, it has exceeded any expectations that I had about the practicality of heating and cooking with wood.  I have never had any previous experience cooking on a wood stove.  There is a learning curve on temperature and placement of pans on the stove.  You can easily have too much heat or not enough in the oven, but I am still learning and adjusting.

Did I mention the food tastes fantastic cooked on the wood stove?  I had heard this before, and I can confirm that this is true.  Thankfully, my cast iron set has found its sweet spot!  Not only does the food taste good, but also cooks quite fast.  You never have to preheat a wood cook stove, and that’s a beautiful thing that I am loving!

Wouldn’t it be more convenient to just flip a switch and have instant heat?   Well, that was the only way I had ever known pre-Elmira.  I can tell you this, there is a great satisfaction in processing firewood from our property.  At this point, it’s not just about convenience for us, but the experience of being self-reliant!  With a lot of hard work, a lot of sweat and a whole bunch of wood debris, we are not dependent on the power company for heat or the ability to prepare meals this winter.

Stacking wood away for the cold days ahead has been in overdrive around here.  We desperately needed a woodshed, but time ran out to make that happen this year.  Essentially, we are in a race to get as much wood split, stacked and dried as possible.  Time will tell how successful we were this first year.

By far, the Elmira is more than just a beautiful piece of American history.  The cook stove does an excellent job keeping our house warm and cozy.  There is such a peacefulness in watching the flames flicker and dance from the Fireview glass.  It’s one of my favorite ways to relax and de-stress.

The Elmira is truly a unique experience!  It’s the feeling of stepping back in time and getting back to a more simple way of living.  Not being lulled to sleep with convenience.  Connecting with our skills and abilities and living off the land.  After all, that is why we moved to Virginia to begin with!

Sending you my warmest Elmira wishes,

Lover Darlin’


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