Weather is very unpredictable in the mountains. It can become violent and dangerous at times! Flash floods, high winds and blowing snow are all a common occurrence.

We learned very quickly that we needed to know the weather forecast. Unfortunately, it’s nearly impossible for the weather forecasters to predict localized weather with any measure of accuracy. Even the wind direction forecast or current wind direction are rarely correct. However, the forecasters are pretty accurate if it’s a large weather system that’s sweeping across a large portion of the country.
I have found that older locals are actually better at forecasting localized weather than the “professionals.” Once, a lady at the local country store told me that we would be getting snow at our house during the night. I checked and there was no snow in the forecast for anywhere in our entire area. She was right! That night we got around an inch of snow!
In our area, the varying elevations and lay of the mountains change dramatically. This unique topography can cause drastic weather differences with varying elevations. Rain, wind and snow are all affected by the topography. Consequently, it’s very important to have the ability to get an accurate local forecast. After much research and discussion, we decided to buy a Davis Precision Weather Station.
The Importance of The Davis Precision Weather Station
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Knowing the forecast helps me to plan short-term projects.
I don’t mind it raining. It’s essential for life. I don’t mind getting wet and I even take a shower somewhat regularly! It’s an amazing thing to watch the wind make it snow sideways! However, I don’t want my tools and materials getting wet or blowing all over the property! Working in wind gusts of 20-30 mph is dangerous. In my experience, the project that you are working on will have a better end result when it’s not influenced by undesirable weather. The potential for personal injury increases when working in the rain, snow or windy conditions. Therefore, I don’t work in these conditions unless I absolutely have no choice!
From my perspective, it doesn’t get much worse than to spend time planning a project, getting all the tools and materials in place, only to have the weather turn on you! Wasting time is not an option around here so having an accurate forecast before beginning a project is a huge asset. The Davis Vantage VUE provides you with a forecast on the Weather Center.
It also provides a forecast on your personal computer if you get the optional Data Logger!
Knowing the forecast helps me to prep the property
One of the first things that I learned about mountain weather is that you get more rain on your property than falls in the rain gauge. You are going to also get rain run off from higher elevations! If not anticipated and planned for, this additional run off can cause serious property damage! The immediate damage is seen in washed out driveways and roads. An advanced notice of impending heavy rain allows me to prepare my rock driveway accordingly. Failure to prepare for previous heavy rains has scattered my driveway rock from here to the ocean! The chart below shows a recent storm that produced a whopping 7.58 inches of rain per hour! Add in run off and we were nearly ready to board the Ark with Noah!
This report below shows data from a recent windy day. We had an average wind speed of 5 mph and gusts up to 28 mph. Not a day to work outside!
I use the Davis Weather Station to determine when to make driveway preparations, gutter cleaning, brush burning and when to plant among other things around our property.
Knowing the forecast helps me to know when and where to hunt.
I’m a hunter. I make no apologizes for it. Hunters do more for wildlife and the environment than any one group of people in America. The meat from game is cleaner, safer, healthier and has less impact on the environment than commercially raised livestock. Let’s face it, no matter what you eat, something has to die.
Having said that, the weather station helps me to know the best times to hunt. Having the ability to see the forecast, barometer trend and wind direction is a tremendous aid when trying to decide on when and where to hunt. For the first time in my life, I can look at real-time data and make an educated decision on whether to hunt or go to work. I’d rather hunt!
Reports like this are a wealth of information.
I learned through a similar report that we have a dominate East wind on our property 80% of the Winter! The deer already knew this!
Knowing the forecast helps with meal planning
Our tiny house has no room for a kitchen. Therefore, an outdoor kitchen was our only option. Our weather station enables my wife to plan meals around the weather. She now knows in advance if it’s going to be too windy to cook on the cook stove.
Why we chose the Davis Vantage VUE Precision Weather Station
Davis weather stations have excellent reviews.
The Vantage Vue fit our budget.
The Vantage Vue gives us the weather information we need.
The system actually forecasts the weather accurately for our exact location. When it will be starting and stopping!
The data logger allows me to record weather data to compare with my trail camera pictures which helps me to pattern wildlife activity.
The weather station doesn’t accurately predict the weather 100% of the time. Neither does the Weather Channel, Weather Bug or the highly paid folks on TV. For us however, it is extremely more accurate than anything we have seen! It’s wireless, transmits up to 1,000′ and is recharged by an on board solar panel. It’s one of my favorite tools on the property!
Do you have a weather station? What kind? How accurate is it? Let us know!
Ambitious Feller
“If the women don’t find you handsome, they should at least find you handy!” Red Green
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